Ace Billiards League Links Page

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 A - B
  Academy of the Cueing Arts
BSACA Award Winning Master Academy
  Allison Fisher's Official Web Site
Official web site for Allison FIsher, WPBA and World Champion. Includes personal and professional information, photos, current WPBA standing, merchandise, and information on the her new "Allison Academy", which Allison and Gerda have recently started.
  American CueSports Alliance Official Web Site
Official web site for American CueSports Alliance.
  American Pool Players Association
The American Pool Players Association is the largest organized league in the United States. has pro news, as well as news on Arizona's local tour. It has active forums, as well as email notification of ESPN billiards broadcasts.
  Billiard Coach
Lessons from Mike Fieldhammer, Professional Billiard Instructor.
Ever heard of the PAT System (Playing Ability Test)? GET YOUR FREE TRIAL NOW!!! With this revolutionary system you REALLY can improve your skills!!! There are 4 different tests for different technical levels, ranging from amateurs to top players in the world elite. Each PAT is made up of 10 single exercises which document and evaluate special billiard skills. For example stroke quality, aiming and position play. Each exercise results in a numerical value correlating to the result as a percentage (0 to 100 points or percent). Because you can achieve more than 100 points in each exercise you do. You have to achieve 100 points in each exercise to get 1000 points for a complete test. You might have 80 points in exercise one and 130 in exercise two. This makes it possible to get more than 1000 points in your result. The emblem system Emblems rewarding achievement stand out as shining examples and can be very motivating and as we know from school sports or martial arts. The World Pool Association (WPA is officially recognised by the IOC) has therefore developed a special colour emblem system.
  Billiards Digest
Billiards Digest is one of the most read pool magazines in the country. We have an extremely active bulletin board community in our Cue Chalk Board section.
A on-line, fee-based school for billiards, complete with live video.
  The Billiards Tour (Web Cam)
This cool site is for D&D Family Billiards in Downingtown, Pa. What's cool about this web link is a Web Cam showing players in the hall. Very neat!

 C - L
The best deals and the best service on billiards supplies are found right here.
Cuetimes is "the" online Billiard Newspaper for the Rocky Mountain Region. Lots of pro info and billiards links.
  Inside Pool Magazine
Inside Pool Magazine is a national publication with high-quality content that focuses on amateur pool and the promotion of the sport. is the home of Minnesota's pool playing community. Lots of tournament information, instructional advice, player articles, and community. is a news source for information on the West Coast Billiards scene.
  The Monk Academy
The Monk Billiard Academy, founded in 1991 by Tim Miller, is dedicated to making you the best pool player you can become. Our unique philosophy of the inner game of pool has helped countless players to realize the player within.

 P - R
  Pool and Billiard Magazine
The sport's oldest monthly magazine.
  Pool Cues
Pool cues, pool cue cases and billiard accessories. Billiard and Pool Superstore
Thousands of pool cues, accessories and more all up to 20% off at has a great deal of quality billiards content, including pro news, rules for varisous cue sports games,message boards and products.
  Porper Cue Cases
Porper Cue Cases, a product of Creative Inventions of California, is a mainstay in the cue case industry. includes a complete product listing, as well as an online shopping mall for your favorite accessories.
  Predator Cues
Predator is a manufacturer of some of the best cue technology in the industry. They are famous for their deflection resistance shafts, and their break cue technology.

 S - T
  Shooters Billiard Club and Cafe
Shooters Billiards CLub and Cafe is the largest pool hall in the Upper Midwest. It boasts a full service resturant, 61 tables, and a fully-equipped pro shop. This site includes Shooters tournament and league information, as well as other happenings at Shooters., the official website of the United States Snooker Association, with snooker news, results and features from the United States and around the world.

 U - W
  Viking Cue
The official home page of Viking Cue, located in Madison, Wisconsin.
  Women's Professional Billiards Association (WPBA)
Official website of the Women's Professional Billiards Association. Includes information on players, events, ESPN schedules, and association information.
  World Pool-Billiards Associaton (WPA)
Official website of the WPA. Has world standardized rules, rankings of professional pool players, current news and historical data.
